Monday, December 30, 2019

Architecture Set In Motion Essay - 1570 Words

1. Bouffrand: Salon de la Princess, hotel de Soubise, Paris, France, begun 1730’s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Salon de la Princess, is a many sided cylindrical interior room and is part of the Rococo style that incorporates minimal architectural features and light airy decor, that develops into a profession of interior design. Rococo is the revolt against complicated Baroque that decorated the interior of Versailles, in revolt against the palace and after the death of Louis XIV, French women who had city houses in Paris inspired a new lightened airy style of decor and architecture. As seen in the Salon de la Princess, the structure of the room has virtually been covered up by white walls of wood and mirrors, and it only contains hints†¦show more content†¦However, with the inspiration of the French landscape painter Claude, the landscape at this Palladian estate is completely manmade, with hills, lakes, trees, meant to look as nature had created it, and as in Claude’s’ landscapes it can be divided up into three layers, incorporating a dark fore ground, light middle ground and light hazy background. Stooped in classical Roman tradition the garden is a place to break the rules, and Stourhead has architectural samples from all over the world incorporated into the landscape as temples, grottoes, and classical statues together with a Chinese bridge, and Turkish tent, which set a president from 1750 on where naughty architectural elements present themselves in architectural structures. This eclectic style is the bases of 19th and 20th century American suburbs, including new ones being built around the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia today, while also emerging in 20th century architects as Wright, who in the Robbie House(1900s) combined inspirations from many different cultures past and present. 3. Pritchard and Darby: Iron Bridge, Coalbrookdale, England, 1770s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IronShow MoreRelatedMichelangelo Antonionis LEclise785 Words   |  3 Pagestheme of human detachment and alienation. He shows the difficulty of connection in an alienating modern world by focusing on the environment and isolation of characters. One of the first things that is strikingly noticeable in L’eclisse is Antonioni’s set-up of the environment. With the discordance of the music in the opening credits and the long shots that emphasize the empty space, we immediately get a sense of uncomfortable isolation in the beginning of the film. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Renaissance in Cinquecento Italy - 1313 Words

Chapter 22: Renaissance in Cinquecento Italy Exercises for Study: 1. Select one of the following pair of artworks and describe the differences you observe between them. Each pair consists of art of the Early Renaissance (Chapter 21) and that of the High and Late Renaissance (Chapter 22). Examine the composition, technique, position of the figures, and facial expressions, as well as any relevant elements of art and principals of design (see handout from September or Google â€Å"art elements and design principals†). ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO, David 1465 – 1470 or DONATELLO, David, 1440–1460 VS. MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI, David, 1501 – 1504 Interest in humanism and the rebirth of Classical, spur an interest in authentic Roman and Greek†¦show more content†¦Disegno, which means drawing, was the most important element in attempting to achieve perfection. Disengo was found not only in painting, but also in all areas of Florentine art. The importance of nature in Florentine resulted in the study of the natural world, anatomy, and movement. Artists would develop their concepts in detail on separate parchment paper and then transfer them. A work that represents disegno would be Leonardo Da Vinci, The Fetus and Lining of the Uterus. Leonardo used his technique of hatched shading and careful contours to create â€Å"careful contours to describe volume and movement in two artfully posed figures†(Sorabella 1). His drawings placed sensitivity on shading and the tones. In Venice, artists used the colorito, defined as color, to create work with a sense of life. The color palette used by Venetians was a slightly less vivid then Florentine palette, but the colors were layered and blended to achieve a glowing richness. Venetian artists gradually softened their coloring until their manner equaled nature. Venetians attempted to equal nature through the use of light and how light will affect the body. And unlike Florentine painting, compositions were placed directly on the canvas through colored brushstrokes. Titan’s Venus and Adonis, is a good example of how Venetian artists used color to recreate nature. Titan is able to create the mood through intense color andShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci : The Italian Renaissance Polymath1114 Words   |  5 Pages(1452-1517) was an Italian Renaissance Polymath: artist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, athlete, ideologist, writer, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, biologist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, poet, chemist, scientist, and philosopher. Leonardo had some close friends in his life, one of those people was Francesco Melzi (1491-1570). Melzi was Leonardo da Vinci’s pupil until Leonardo’s death. Melzi was born in Milan, Italy and died in Vaprio d Adda, Italy. Another of Leonardo’sRead MoreMcKay AP Euro Cornell Notes Ch 12 133584 Words   |  15 Pageswere due to rising expectations. d. The 1381 revolt in England was due to economic grievances, anti-aristocratic sentiment, and protest against taxes. e. King Richard II and his nobles tricked the peasants into ending the revolt. 2. Workers in Italy (the ciompi), Germany, and Spain also revolted. VI. Race and ethnicity on the frontiers A. Earlier (twelfth and thirteenth century) migrations led to peoples of different ethnic-racial background living side by side. 1. Race meant language

Friday, December 13, 2019

Persuasion Essay Free Essays

Jane Austin explores the character Anne Elliot, a 27- year-old unappreciated and self-sacrificing woman dealing with the emotional consequences of a returned love that she had been persuaded to reject in marriage seven years earlier. Austin exposes Anne as a timid and self-sacrificing character, her emotions and thoughts internalized and her presence dismissed by those around her. As the heroine of the novel Student’s values are conveyed through Anne, displaying her distaste to aristocracy and preference to meritocracy, the challenge of enders and the convenience and social rules In acceptance to marriage, the rejection of these conventions displayed through Student’s use of Irony and satire throughout the novel. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasion Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The film ‘Persuasion’ by Adrian Sherwood (2007) however sees a storyline that falls to grasp these concepts displaying a storyline that Is exaggerated and dramatic, focusing almost solely on the love story, often resulting In a film adaptation of Anne Elliot who wanders slantingly from the novels original character who displays little to no character development. The Anne of the novel Is often isolated, particularly in regard to her emotional state, contrasting greatly to Shareholders film adaptation where Anne is seen to be sharing her upset and feeling more openly. In the novel, Wentworth return is not accompanied by a debrief with Lady Russell where Anne expresses her distress and panic, rather, Austin displays her emotion through isolation and lack of communication with others, conveyed to the reader through narration rather than dialogue. Anne is adapted to a film audience to clearly display her state of mind and current emotion as to ensure that ere reactions to certain situations are obvious, for example, the various scenes where Anne looks directly into the camera, connecting directly with the audience to show the devastation she is experiencing, pushing the emotion to solidify the facts of her distress that may have been previously missed. This results in an Anne that is much more dramatic and has heightened emotion in great comparison to the submissive and overly polite nature of Anne in the novel, who shies away from expressing herself to such an extent that when Anne can’t contain her emotion from Wentworth letter ND is seen to impact on her appearance, she is only thought to be sick. Sherwood abandons the social conventions of the 19th century setting to produce a film that is unrealistic and untrue to the situations Anne experiences In the novel. Jane Student’s Anne Elliot undergoes character development throughout the novel and experiences transformation, symbolizes by her change In appearance toward the end of the novel as she begins to ‘bloom’ once again, her nature becoming more assertive and confident. Student’s end result In Anne Is one that Is not seen wealth the film as there Is no growth or development Incorporated, her appearance only seen hanged as she arrives at Excellency with Captain Wentworth, her hair styled differently and her dress a brighter color, suggesting that she Is happier and changed only as a result of Wentworth love, supporting the sole focus of the film to be the romantic plotting. Persuasion Essay By manhole’s genders and the convenience and social rules in acceptance to marriage, the rejection of these conventions displayed through Student’s use of irony and satire storyline that fails to grasp these concepts displaying a storyline that is exaggerated and dramatic, focusing almost solely on the love story, often resulting in a film adaptation of Anne Elliot who wanders significantly from the novel’s original character who displays little to no character development. The Anne of the novel is film that is unrealistic and untrue to the situations Anne experiences in the novel. And experiences transformation, symbolizes by her change in appearance toward assertive and confident. Student’s end result in Anne is one that is not seen within the film as there is no growth or development incorporated, her appearance only seen differently and her dress a brighter color, suggesting that she is happier and How to cite Persuasion Essay, Persuasive essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Information Technology For User In Organization †Free Samples

Question: Dicuss about the Information Technology For User In Organization. Answer: Introduction Industries involved in the production and processing of products either through generation of new items or value addition are referred to as manufacturing industry. These industries are in charge of big share of the industrial area in developed nations. The final commodity can either act as a finished product for sale to clients or as intermediate product used in the process of production. In this context, some of hardware devices, programs and applications and communication methods used in the manufacturing industry are discussed in details. Hypothetical Manufacturing Industry Manufacturing industry requires effective processing and selection of raw materials as well as use of technology to facilitate increased performance. Eletto is the dominant manufacturer of electric-power machine, producing switch cases, breaker, and switch with a capital investment of 400 million. The firm is a supplement of Nitto Kogyo, Japans dominating manufacturer that extends nation-wide. Beside using technology and manufacturing expertise in electrical case and circuit breaker, Eletto employs various technologies of information communication to facilitate activities and management of business of Fujitsu system thus offering appropriate solution. Selected software solutions have been planned in partnership with Fujitsu. The plan was designed to learn the higher level of Elettos business functions so as to provide correct assessment on infrastructure of IT for highest effectiveness like production management Prones software, accounting system for Nirvanas, and human resource management Computer Power. (Mo?ller, 2016) Hardware in Manufacturing Industries Hardware in a computer are the devices on which execution of operating system and software application is done and where attachment of peripherals like printers, mice and keyboard is carried out. Other examples of hardware machine include; storage devices, servers, and electronic security utilized in the centers of data of many organizations. Hardware components in the manufacturing industry are becoming smaller and smaller. This is because new technology enhances cost effectiveness in developing increasingly compact size of complex chips. The devices become thinner and lighter. Also convergence of these hardware is enhanced. (Gregory, Nollen, Tenev, 2009). Some organizations are performing top-level structure, and letting other organizations perform production and more basic structure duties to cheaper labor. Some of the examples of hardware component used in the manufacturing industries include; PCS- these are desktops and laptops. This hardware is mostly used in manufacturing and should high storage capacity, processing power and power management. These devices are very powerful to take the place of specialized workstations and to use for computer-aided structure, 3-D rendering and molecular modelling. (DiResta, Forrest, Vinyard, 2015) PERIPHERALS- A peripheral device is an external item supplemented to a computer like memory stick, new mouse, speakers, printers, monitors and scanners. Other peripherals are internal modem or 3-D video card which are connected into a computer. SERVERS- servers are the large boxes that acts as glue that supports the internet together. Examples of servers include; web servers, local area network servers, mail servers, wide area network servers, database servers, file servers, among others. Server is involved when two computer devices (clients) join together. Some of the hardware advantages include: high processing power, backup storage, integration with other manufacturing hardware. However, it has some disadvantages including high initial cost, very limited customization capabilities, needs regular monitoring. Programs and Applications With recent advancement in technology manufacturers are now installing software to help in automation of the production processes. Implementing systems that provides an integrated e-commerce, inventory, customer relationship management (CRM), warehouse management, order management, manufacturing execution, MRP (material requirements planning), accounting and financial management platform. Some of the programs and apps used in manufacturing industries include; NetSuite Manufacturing Edition-this program, Fishbowl Manufacturing, uniPoint Quality Management Software among others. (In Bryson, 2015). These programs have several advantages including; customization of the product to meet manufacturers needs, supports customer, has detailed management of WIP, tracking multiple location of inventory and it eases training to the users since the modules are all developed the same. However, it has some disadvantages some requires other software for its execution, complex for small business and hard to use. In addition, terrible time tracking and it is highly costly since, requires an add on so as to integrate scanning of bar code, purchasing of an outside software is required to generate clients reports and lacks the ability to merge reports into single large report. Communication Methods Recent electronic systems of telephone switching are based on digital computers that are highly sophisticated and carry out activities like controlling many telephone lines, identifying which lines need service, digits keepings of every telephone number as dialing is performed, required connection set ups, transmitting signals that are electrical to ring the phone of the receiver, managing call continuity, and disconnection of call upon completion. (RAO, RAJESH, 2009) Some of the communication methods in a manufacturing industry include: e-mails, internet, mobile apps, mobile networks. (Ahmed, 2012) Conclusion In conclusion, use of computer devices in manufacturing industry is associated with several benefits which include; time reduction in production, increased accuracy, minimized human error, less cost due to less safety issues, safety is enhanced, and higher production capacity. However, it is also associated with some disadvantages which include; pollution, less versatility, unpredicted expenses, increased unemployment and initial investment is large. Recommendation For a manufacturing industry like ELETTO it is important for it to consider a lot of aspect when selecting hardware, programs, apps and communication methods to implement. For example, for hardware it should be powerful, that is, high memory capacity, processing power, and integration abilities. In addition, programs and apps should be meeting the industry objective for instance uniPoint Quality Management Software is appropriate for any product manufacturers in any mode of manufacturing. It assists in managing key operations like document control, to-do lists, non-conformances, customer service, preventive actions, devices management among others. Also communication methods should be convenient for all the employees from the top management to the low level employees. Choosing internet or e-mail as a form of communication may not be appropriate especially in times of crisis like power outage or internet disconnection. A method like using mobile networks will be convenient. References Ahmed, E., (2012). "Malaysias Food Manufacturing Industries Productivity Determinants,"Modern Economy, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 444-453. doi:10.4236/me.2012.34057. DiResta, R., Forrest, B., Vinyard, R. (2015).The hardware startup. Beijing : O'Reilly. Gibb, A. (2014).Building open source hardware: Manufacturing for the DIY maker movement. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Gregory, N. F., Nollen, S. D., Tenev, S. (2009).New industries from new places: The emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and India. Stanford, Calif: Stanford Economics and Finance/Stanford University Press. In Bryson, J. R. (2015).Handbook of manufacturing industries in the world economy. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing. Information Resources Management Association. (2011).Green technologies: Concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Mo?ller, D. (2016).Guide to computing fundamentals in cyber-physical systems: Concepts, design methods, and applications. Switzerland : Springer. RAO, R., RAJESH, T., (2009). "Software Selection in Manufacturing Industries Using a Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method, PROMETHEE,"Intelligent Information Management, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 159-165. doi:10.4236/iim.2009.13023.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Summary Example For Students

The Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Summary Billy R. NordykeProfessor HillHumanities IThe main character in the book The Epic of Gilgamesh, is Gilgameshhimself. In the beginning of the book one realizes that Gilgamesh is anarrogant person. Gilgamesh is full of himself and abuses his rights as king. He has sexual intercourse with the virgins of his town and acts as though he isa god. Although some readers of this classic book may say that Gilgamesh doesnot change from the beginning of the book, it can easily be interpreted theother way.Throughout the book, many things cause Gilgamesh to change. Hegains a friend, he makes a name for himself by killing Humbaba, and he tries tobecome immortal because of the death of Enkidu. Through these main actions hispersonality changes and he becomes a better person. We will write a custom essay on The Epic of Gilgamesh Summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now First, the quest for immortality after the death of Enkidu shows thatGilgamesh has changed. Gilgamesh becomes frightened when he realizes that heisnt immortal. After the death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh tries to find immortalityby trying to cross the ocean to find it. He sounds pathetic as he rambles ofhis reason for trying to find everlasting life. His state of being at this partin the book, which is the end, is completely different from his arrogantbeginning of this epic. Gilgamesh has gone from arrogant to scared. Second, the death of Humbaba changes Gilgamesh. Humbaba is evil. Manypeople who live in the city of Uruk fear Gilgamesh. Most would say thatGilgamesh himself is, in fact, evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does whathe wants, and he tends to offend the gods. He has lots of problems with Ishtar. By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himselfand changes the views of the people in his city. This is a very arguable point. Yes, the past of Gilgamesh does not change, but the great deed of killingHumbaba, makes him a better person because he protects his city. This isanother arguable point. Most would say he does this only to make a name forhimself, but that is not the case. Gilgamesh does this because of his love forEnkidu and his people, he has changed from the beginning of the epic. Finally and most importantly, the main reason that Gilgamesh changesfrom the beginning of the book is the friendship that he has with Enkidu. Enkidu is made to make Gilgamesh more human. In the first paragraph of the bookthe gods are angry with Gilgamesh and send down an equal of himself, they senddown Enkidu. After becoming friends, Gilgamesh changes because he has an equalto be with. Enkidu and Gilgamesh become as close as brothers. Because of this,a very arguable point comes up. Was Enkidu and Gilgamesh lovers? The answer isobviously yes. What points in the book show this? They go to sleep holdinghands, Gilgamesh loves Enkidu like a women, and Gilgamesh goes almost insaneafter the death of Enkidu. The point of Enkidu being a lover of Gilgamesh isvery important. It allows the reader to understand the reasoning of Gilgameshchanging. There are no changes in Gilgamesh as a person until Enkidu enters thepicture. Obviously he is the reason for all eventual changes in the personalityand manhood of Gilgamesh. If the belief and understanding of Gilgamesh andEnkidu being much more than good friends is present, then the understand ing ofwhy Gilgamesh changes in the book is also present.If Gilgamesh is justfriends with Enkidu some change is possible, but not almost total recall asGilgamesh does in the book. People change more if there is sex involved andthere is a deep relationship. In order to make Enkidu happy, Gilgamesh has tochange, and he does, throughout thier relationship. .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .postImageUrl , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:hover , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:visited , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:active { border:0!important; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:active , .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9f43f4dcfa2838d4b6b306e7f829b23a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Good Man Is Hard To Find EssayIn reflection, although some people would say that Gilgamesh does notchange from the beginning of the book The Epic of Gilgamesh, the betterunderstanding of the book reveals that, in fact, Gilgamesh does change from thebeginning of the book to the end. The personality of Gilgamesh changes forthree distinct reasons. First, Gilgamesh changes in the book because of hisinsatiable desire for immortality after the death of Enkidu. Gilgamesh wantsimmortality after the death of Enkidu. Second, Gilgamesh changes in the bookbecause of the death of Humbaba. The death of Humbaba showCategory: English

Monday, November 25, 2019

Womanly Words †Gyn

Womanly Words – Gyn Womanly Words Gyn Womanly Words Gyn By Sharon Well, I couldnt let the men have all the fun. English has a lot of words that contain the Greek root meaning woman or female gyn. This appears at the start or in the middle of many common words. As with the andr- words, many of these have biological or scientific origins. Heres a list to start you off: acrogynous plants having female organs at the top of the stem androgynoid a male with female features androgynous having both male and female characteristics; also applies in botany. apogynous, apogyny referring to the condition of having non working female reproductive organs calligyniaphobia a fear of beautiful women (if youre scared of all women, then you have gynephobia or gynecophobia) ergatogynous describes insects who have worker females gyneceum harem or womans house gynander woman who has male characteristics (gyndandrous refers to plants) gynarchy government run by women gynecentric regarding women as primary or central gynecium the pistil, or female part of a flower gynecogen something that stimulates female sexual characteristics (hormone) gynecology the study and treatment of diseases that affect womens reproductive systems gynogamete ovum gynoid robot shaped like a woman Many more here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouWhen to Form a Plural with an ApostropheAdvance vs. Advanced

Thursday, November 21, 2019

My experience of the game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My experience of the game - Essay Example The new view and attribute to things was not only on my side but also to my classmates. From the situation that I have witnessed, I have really had a feeling of great oppression. Playing the game involves a lot of mistrust among the classmates including ones closest friends. The role played by each individual remained uncertain, and therefore, created a very tense situation, as everyone remained suspicious off the other because of the different roles that individuals played. The different roles that individuals played in the game ideally changed my understanding of what really attributes freedom. Classmates who had always been friends were constantly seen to be betraying each other, clearly bringing into perspective an aspect that indeed there is very limited freedom when it comes to individual being. At every moment, I felt as if someone was always there to watch my actions and movements. The game involved many rules that had to be followed. Throughout the period, I had to remain very conscious about everything within my vicinity and myself. It was clear that the rules involved in the game were actually a hindrance to many and therefore, people had to be following them, though unwillingly, as every individual was constantly being watched by another. The game involved a situation in which one had to do that which he or she was supposed to do rather than that which one wanted to do. I constantly found myself in such situations, because going against the laid down rules was one situation that I had to avoid like a plague. In order to make sure that I never went against the rules and regulations, I had to keep a mental routine that I would constantly refer to in ensuring that in all the activities that I engaged in, I would be adhering to all the rules and regulations. Thought police was indeed a tough game. Whereas some students ignored the measures that were set up, and therefore, continuing with their daily routines as normal, for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Apple and Amazon Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Apple and Amazon Companies - Essay Example The present research has identified that, Inc. is an American-based company that dominates the United States retail markets. The company deals with electronic commerce and it has strived to become the best online-based retailer in the region. It originally started as an online bookstore but in the recent times, it has greatly diversified into the sale of compact disks, furniture, software, toys, video games, food, electronics, and jewelry. Just like Apple, Amazon produces consumer electronics such as the Fire TV sets, Fire mobile phones, Fire tablets, and the Amazon Kindle e-book. The company has separate websites for its different market regions. Some of its market regions include; the United States, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, China, and Japan. The graph in the paper is essential in determining the various strategies different companies use in their marketing programs. Apple and Amazon are no exceptions in this situation. The graph compar es the different marketing strategies used in a period of two years against their popularity among companies. An analysis of these strategies would act as a good way to compare and contrast the two companies. According to Moorman, Apple has managed to emerge as the best overall winner of marketing excellence surveys, and the latest being the 2012 award. Scrutinizing the company’s marketing policies would be a good starting point for this analysis. Just as Moorman continues to explain, Apple has been successful in the electronics market primarily because of its marketing strategies. Apple’s marketing approach constitutes the following three strong pillars: empathy, focus and impute. Empathy implies that the company should be in a better position to understand the needs of their customers than their competitors do. In a move to maintain focus, the company puts its attention to important opportunities that will enable them to be in apposition to do a perfect job.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial collapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial collapse - Essay Example Prior to the crises ,about half of the overall capital inflow to developing countries was directed towards Asia. This was precipitated by high interest rates that made these economies attractive to foreign investors with attendant increase in asset prices. the economies of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand particularly experienced high growth rates of between 8 and 12 per cent in the late 1980's and early 1990's.This feat was lauded far and near by economic institution of repute the IMF and World Bank Inclusive. One of the reasons advanced for these crises was recovery of the U.S economy from a recession it had suffered in the early 1990's.To checkmate inflation ,the U.S through its federal reserve bank at the time began to raise interest rates. This move naturally attracted lots of investors to the detriment of the fledging Asian economies. This move also grew the value of the dollar against which the currencies of these economies were pegged .This caused a slow down in the export activities of the Asian economies as it became less competitive. Malaysia witnessed a transition from its traditional mining and agriculture driven economy to manufacturing in the 1970's with assistance coming from Japan and western countries .The result of this was the establishment of heavy industries that became the economic driving force with concentration on exportation .There had been fluctuations in the country's current GDP per capita over time that rose to 59% in the 1990's courtesy of the export-oriented industries .However following the massive pull-out of capital by foreign investors in 1997.A chain reaction was set-off that caused major changes within the economy, particularly the substantial depreciation of the country's currency-the Ringgit from its MYR2.50 per USD to levels of up to MYR4.80 per USD,loosing about half its value within the period. The composite index of the country's market fell drastically within a few weeks. There was a 7.5% drop in GDP in 1998.The government responded by pegging the ringgit at MYR3.80 per USD.Whi le also implementing a capital control regime. Unlike its Asian neighbours Indonesia ,Thailand and other Malaysia rejected a relief package in the form of economic aid from International Monetary Fund(IMF) because of the attached austere lending conditions .This singular act differentiated Malaysia and the rest of its Asian neighbors in the sense that the rest of its neighbours were affected to a larger degree than Malaysia .Furthermore in the quest to revive the economy, the government kept injecting funds into it which resulted in budget deficit for a number of years, in addition it has maintained a low interest rate policy through the country's central bank. In terms of the its post-crises economy, it has enjoyed a faster economic recovery compared to its neighbours ,with a strong exports sector with the United States as its principal trade and investment partner. In 1999 the country's GDP grew by 5.6% with analyst predicting an 8% -and- above growth for the year 2000.A managed f loating system

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Study On Sexism In Mexico

A Study On Sexism In Mexico The Machismo, how is it called in Mexico and latinamercia is a set of beliefs claiming that real or alleged differences between women and men establishing the superiority of one sex over the other. Also known as discrimination or devaluation based on a persons sex, as in restricted job opportunities; especially, such discrimination directed against women Mexican society in general has been classified in the past as a male-dominated society in which women did not have the same rights as men to be categorized by their sex. In the year of 1953 was the first time in Mexico that women could exercise their vote in the elections, only a few years ago in our country, women did not work and just took care of the housework, was battered and bruised, in most cases the authority ignore the abuses of force by the male. 57 years ago women voted for the first time in elections and in this short spam of time we have seen dramatic changes in the thinking of society, although there are still so many people that have the same ideology that years ago. According to the First National Survey on Discrimination say that one in five Mexicans believe that it is natural to prohibit more things to women than to men, one in three believe that it is normal that men earn more than women, and almost one in ten Mexicans agree that women are raped because they provoke men. In addition, one in five women believes that women themselves are responsible for discrimination against them As we can see in these Survey, even if the ideology or mentality has changed over the decades we can notice that there are still a huge percentage of the population that still discriminate women It seems that in 2012, gender equality in society is already a thing of the past. Although macho culture is still dominating society as we can see in the survey, it is hard to believe these results, when it is said that in Mexico is making progress on issues of discrimination and gender inequality. When looking at the results of this poll. I think Machismo/Sexism in Mexico would be very difficult to remove if we dont change the way of thinking directly from our homes to treat in the same way boys and girls, so we finish the custom that has been inculcated from generation to generation and has been the first reason that made Mexico a Sexism Society. It is very disappointing to find these results and know that many men feel that women are inferior and deserve different treatment. because as can be seen the man is still seen as the work figure, while the woman is still seen as the one that have to care and raise children and do all the housework. The aim of this work is to find a better way to live along between men and women which lies not only in respect but also in equality, although the society has evolved there are still traces of discrimination against women. This paper will release how Sexism against women affects the society, touching the theme of gender roles as well as the consequences of this. The Sexism/Machismo traditionally has been associated with subordination of family roles and favor and welfare to men, therefore it is deemed to assign less tiring work for men, because they are the breadwinners of the house. A part of Sexism is the use of some type of systematic violence against women in order to maintain an emotional or psychological control on them, further it punished any feminine behavior (some examples as: Men dont cry, men cannot express their feelings, etc) in a men and from these mentality is the base of Homophobia, the worst punishment a sexist could receive is to have a gay familiar, because it demonstrate that their blood and family name is weak and from these idea the discrimination against homosexuals is huge. Sexism has been an element of social control and sexist exploitation in many cultures. Some factors that have contributed to its survival and continuity -Discriminatory laws against women. -Treatment difference in the case of adultery: -In some cultures adultery and pregnancy before marriage is punished with death. -Permission from male for economic activities -Denial of right to vote or other civil -Sexist education in school and home Religious discrimination in different religions all over the world as example of some are in Muslim countries predominated as the old Taliban regime of Afghanistan, in certain branches of Christianity as Mormonism, in the orthodox Jews, Hinduism, etc. Sexist division of labor, whereby men prefer other men in decision making jobs position (originally the sexist division was based on the difference in physical capacity and muscular), in which men had comparative advantage. However in modern technological societies force is irrelevant, being more important intellectual abilities and social skills. It also refers to a payment of lower wages to women than men in exchange of the same work. Now at days rarely we heard stories of men who do not allow their wives or daughters to study or work. Almost 40% of women of working age are in employment, the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities is divided equally between the sexes, Women are increasingly aware of their rights and demand equal treatment in the workplace and in politics. Under these conditions, Machismo has mutated. Today is based more on control and psychological coercion or discrimination in physical restraints. In a sense, machismo has gone underground. Deeply buried in our daily habits, is almost invisible in the educated or high classes, invisible but always present. It is possible that in many areas women are consider as equal to men. In Mexico, women do not own their time. When they go out, spend money, see their friends, they are still expected to tell with detail their schedule of their daily activities to their Parents, brothers, boyfriends and husbands, but men do not accept to be asked. At home, men can say Do not bother me, Im watching TV, but women do not, because they are supposed to be available night and day for her husband and children. These double standards are now a pillar of machismo. Surveys show that men are willing to go to the supermarket or children take over for a while, but refuse to iron, sew, cut vegetables or clean the oven or bathroom, because these tasks are considered unmanly. The men help, but within rigidly defined parameters. This division of labor in all areas of life means that both men and women are still surprisingly inept for the tasks assigned to the opposite sex. We can see educated and successful men who dont know how to make a cup of coffee and professional women who have no idea about how to change a fuse. So machismo creates people with only half of the Conclusion to end of Sexism/Machismo. Share the work that has traditionally been considered womens work. Challenge the notion to both men and women that boys are by nature aggressive and violent. Stand firm that it is only hard conditioning that makes anyone act this way. Stand firm that boys are just like girls, and girls as boys Encourage men to feel and express all our feelings. Mens largest conditioning comes from being forced to act like we have no feelings (like Big boys dont cry, Youre acting like a girl ). This conditioning is what eventually makes men take on all of the inhuman roles we are expected to play in society. Support womens leadership. Model non-sexist behavior everywhere. Tell and show men and women that eliminating sexism is a primary focus in your life. The presence of sexism in society is hurtful to everyone, not just women. Its elimination will enhance every human beings life. Educate the new generations with the idea that boys and girls are equal with the same rights and responsibilities, and are able or capable to do anything.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Teen Pregnancy :: Teenage Pregnancy

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While many teens that engage in pre-marital sex never become pregnant, some are not as fortunate. Teen pregnancy has become all too common in this day and age. Some teens think it will not happen to them and do not use necessary precautions to protect against it. There are several causes for teen pregnancy and the effects can be life changing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Several causes for teen pregnancy are: the need for affection, acceptance, and unprotected sex. One may have a poor home life and look for affection from a peer. The simple desire to feel loved by another person may be a cause for an unexpected pregnancy. A teen may have a low self-esteem and simply be looking for acceptance in the bedroom. However, many teens that have a wonderful, affectionate family and are very confidante are merely looking for the few minutes of pleasure and avoid using protection. As several teens use the excuse that sex feels better with out a condom, an unwanted pregnancy is likely to occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One major effect of teen pregnancy is that the child may be raised by a single parent. While most girls are looking for love and acceptance in sex, many guys are looking for the mere pleasure and are not planning on becoming a teen father. The pressures of high school and hanging out with friends may be overwhelming for some teens, so they just leave. Raising a child as teen is difficult, but raising a child alone would be almost impossible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many teens become overwhelmed with the stresses of high school and raising a baby; therefore, dropping out of school may seem like the best option. Attending school five days a week, studying for classes, and raising a baby would be overwhelming for most teens. One would have to pay for babysitting and many other expenses for the child that a part time job income could not cover. Dropping out of high school to work full time may seem like a great idea at the moment, but the jobs one applies for may be limited because the lack of a high school diploma.