Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Civil Rights And The Bill Of Rights Essay - 1280 Words

The concept of rights and liberties worldwide is a luxury that all countries do not have and are not given to them. In America the people have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that enumerate their inalienable rights. In the State of Texas there is also a constitution and a Bill of Rights for the people. One of the most important rights in the Texas Bill of Rights in the constitution is Article 1 Section 3 and 3a titled Equality and Equality Under the Law. There are differences between civil rights and civil liberties. According to Webster dictionary a civil rights is a nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially: the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress. An example of a civil right would be if a person was working at a company and was up for promotion. The bill of rights protects that person from being discriminated against based upon race, age, ethnicity, or religion. Webster dictionary also states that civil liberty is freedom from arbitrary governmental interference (as with the right of free speech) specifically by denial of governmental power and in the United States especially as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. An example of a civil liberty would be if a person wanted to go on TV and state their opinion on something and the government told them that they were not allowed to do so. The difference between the two is that a ci vil right is to make sure everyoneShow MoreRelatedShaping Civil Rights : The Bill Of Rights1333 Words   |  6 PagesShaping Civil Rights In modern day America, the concept of civil rights is not one that is typically thought about. Little do most people know, civil rights did not officially exist until 1791 nor do they think about the story behind it or what it has to do with the world they find themselves living in. 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There are FedRead More The Bill of Rights: Americas Last Defense Against the Federal Suffocation of Civil Liberties?1833 Words   |  8 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is our Bill of Rights necessary? Does it put a limit on our government, or on our liberty? Do these ten amendments hold the same meaning today as they did two-hundred and fourteen years ago? Are they now or have they ever been relevant? These questions were debated by our nation’s founding fathers in the eighteenth century and continue to be debated by the historians, academics, and political scientists today. Over the course of the last two centuries, its meaning hasRead More Civil Rights Act of 1964 Essay1338 Words   |  6 Pages The Civil Rights Act of 1964 resulted from one of the most controversial House and Senate debates in history. It was also the biggest piece of civil rights legislation ever passed. The bill actually evolv ed from previous civil rights bills in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. 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Moreover, these changes have occurred by much insistence and court cases from the people. Out of these changes, civil rights and civil liberties have erupted in order to protect the lives of citizens even more. Who we are as citizens of the United States can be characterized by the concept of civil rights and civil liberties, the idea that the constitution protects the major rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, marginalized groups, the secondRead MoreCivil Liberties and Civil Rights Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesCivil Liberti es (And how they differ from civil rights) If the fires of freedom and civil liberties burn low in other lands, they must be made brighter in our own. If in other lands the press and books and literature of all kinds are censored, we must redouble our efforts here to keep them free. If in other lands the eternal truths of the past are threatened by intolerance, we must provide a safe place for their perpetuation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1938 (Isaacs 66) Freedom of speech

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